Here's how to find any writing opportunity in the world

I'm a little late in the game to the whole applying to writing competitions thing, so I realize this news may be very old hat for many of you. But I'm excited to finally have stumbled across Submishmash 2.0,  a search engine powered by Submittable

I created a submittable account to apply for a literary mag earlier in the year and noticed that I could follow publications that I liked if they had open submissions. The only problem was, there wasn't an easy to way to find publications that had open submissions, unless I'd already heard about them. 

But through Submittable, I recently learned that I can use Submishmash to find basically any writing competition in the world. The database makes it easy to search by fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and even visual art. The nice thing about Submishmash is the UI is very basic, there isn't a lot of complicated things you need to add to your profile, and it's very easy to use. 

Has anyone had any luck finding publications on Submishmash to apply to? Leave a comment!